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For my last watercolor painting I painted a sunset with black silhouette trees on the sides and the reflection of the sky in the water. I like the way I used texture in this painting. I feel that I used texture well in this painting well by making the painting feel smooth and well laid out. One thing I could've worked on is form in my painting. I could've used form better in my painting by making the trees on both sides seem more realistic by adding more detail to them. I used space well in my painting. I used space well in my painting by making the trees in the background feel as if they are back in space. In my painting I created good unity because the trees shadows in the water correlate with the trees being reflected and the sky colors are the same colors which are being reflected into the water. Another way I created good unity in this picture is making the sky and trees feel as if they fit together. Lastly, I used contrast in this painting by using many different colors in this painting such as yellow, blue, orange, and pink in the sky to get the viewers attention.

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